Susannah teaches a rigorous style of Vinyasa yoga with a strong emphasis on breath, sensation of the subtle body and classical yoga philosophy. She helps people find refuge inside their own bodies and believes that as a global community we need to find a way to understand the concept that, as her teacher Stephanie Snyder says, we are different but not separate. In 2010 Susannah completed her first yoga teacher training and in 2014 she received her Masters in Philosophy and Religion. Susannah currently leads yoga retreats around the world and teaches private, public, and corporate classes all over the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a Legacy Ambassador for Lululemon, has taught at Wanderlust Festival, and is core faculty at the Love Story Yoga Teacher Training in San Francisco. |
Kilty is an environmental engineer turned yoga teacher. She teaches a powerful vinyasa-based class with a strong emphasis on self awareness. She shares yogic teachings by encouraging awareness of physical sensations, mental patterns, and emotional responses. Kilty currently leads retreats all over the world and teaches workshops in the Honolulu Area. She is a repeat Lululemon ambassador and co-leads a 200hr YTT with Hawaii Yoga Institute. |